Located in the Hamburger menu (top-right hand corner of the lobby screen), puzzles are a fun and exciting way to win in-game rewards. We offer a variety of puzzles that belong to differing groups, complete an entire puzzle group and win additional rewards.

The timer displays how much time is left on the current puzzle. Once it expires, a new puzzle is scheduled.

Puzzle pieces are dropped randomly in accordance with the puzzle's difficulty. Please play through the entire round to have the opportunity to earn more puzzle pieces if you pull up a game where none are dropped. You can check a puzzle difficulty by entering the puzzle modal, I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Individual puzzles may appear more than once as you continue to play. Not to fear, individual puzzles can be turned in multiple times for chest rewards. If you finish a puzzle in the game, you will always be able to turn it in for power ups. While you are able to claim individual puzzles multiple times, you can only claim the puzzle group or "page" once.

Puzzle rewards must be completed and claimed before the next puzzle is posted. If you aren't able to complete and claim the puzzle before it's expired, your puzzle progress will be the same the next time it is scheduled.